Cracked No More
Saturday, July 31, 2004
I am glad to announce that as of 10:00 a.m. my front windshield has been repaired. Yes, you can still tell it has been hit, but it should protect it from spreading and it is much less noticeable. The best thing is instead of paying $60.00, I got this done for free! Thanks Snodra!
Amish in the City
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Thank goodness for UPN! Sex in the City fans were sad to have to say goodbye, but now UPN has offered hope--
Amish in the City. It is just like
Sex in the City, and yet it has no humor, plot, planning, or anything worth watching for that matter.
Last night one of them almost drowned--we could say the same for the series!!
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Yes, I now have a chip in my window from a pebble! Now, I have got to get my insurance agent to pull his head out of his ass so he can actually tell me if they will pay for it or not. Things work fine if you just send them your checks, but when something goes wrong--they are hard to get in touch with!!!!
Who you voting for????
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Instead of getting into a big debate, I thought it might be fun to play Bush or Kerry. Vote by placing a comment for your next PREZ!
Bend It Like Beckham
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Ok, so I finally got around to watching this film. I was in no rush to see if even after all the buzz because I didn't want to be disappointed. I was let down when I finally saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding--so much hype and though it was good--it wasn't worth all the excitement it had received.
So, imagine my caution at renting BILB. I was actually shocked at how fun and lighthearted the movie was and that it wasn't this generic cookie cutter film. I enjoyed the cultural differences as well as the people struggle. Not to mention the totally interesting soundtrack. Enjoyed the wedding celebration intertwined with the soccer game and the fun and energy.
Rating: 4 out of 5 Fangs. (Now that is cutting edge.)
I resolve
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Whilst eating lunch today at 2:30 p.m., I decided that I will stop adjusting my lunch to fit the work and start letting the work fit better around my lunch. I figure if I post it here, it might actually happen. Argh--is it Friday yet???
Green Friendly
Monday, July 19, 2004
Saving Resources
These light bulbs are amazing because they can save resources and actually end up costing the customer less than regular bulbs. Also, they don't produce nearly as much heat as a regular light bulb--thus saving the consumer more on cooling. One bulb is equal to 13 regular bulbs as far as lifespan is concerned. Here is a link to get you started
Weekend Happenings
Had a great and busy weekend!
Went on a house tour of some projects that are being rehabbed. It is always exciting to see what is being done to old structures. Can't wait to have something myself to fix up!!! It is amazing to see how shambles can become fabulous with lots of hard work and big money! I can't wait to have some big money!
I went to Soulard Market (an outdoor market in STL) and bought lots of fruits and veggies! Including a watermelon--which I can't wait to devour! This was my first time actually going to the market and it was a quite a surprise.
Later, I attended RiverSplash, complete with concert by some unmemorable local band (Love Experts--can you believe they picked that name?) Followed by the B-52s--who were truly wondrous! They played several songs and had fun with the audience. Kate is great!
The concerts were followed by a wall of water on which images were projected; fireworks and lasers were also prominent! It was a great show altogether.
WARNING: DO NOT PARK IN STADIUM EAST!!! The garage was a pathetic disaster--it took an hour and half to get out of the place. The problem--someone is a dumbass and decided to do pay by the hour rather than event parking--so you pay as you leave. Have you ever seen 50,000 people trying to get out of a garage when each car has to stop and pay--THE GARAGE MUST BE RUN BY IDIOTS!!! The other problem is they only had 2 attendants--WTF? I am sure someone got shot as the night wore on!
Sunday, I visited the Earthways House--I am now even more excited about recycling, energy use, and solar/wind power! It is amazing what we take for granted--you can do so much and save yourself $$$ too. I will try to post some links soon about saving our resources!
What becomes a legend most . . .
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

I went to see Madonna in Chicago this weekend. I must say the sell-out crowds being such a diverse group amazes me. I saw representation of all ages, races, sexes, etc. I was also in awe of the effort Madonna puts into entertaining and how specific and detailed she is when she does a show. She does things in concert that women half her age might have trouble with. She creates a visual feast with a stunning array of theatrical magic.
I do have to say that her last show, the Drowned World Tour, was much more theatrical and artistically constructed--from the set to the costumes to the choreography. I was however not disappointed and no one in the audience did either.
If you have seen Madonna in concert, you know of what I say first hand. If you haven't seen her, grab your child, your grandfather, and your local drag queen and enjoy the show!
McDonalds is still McDonalds
Thursday, July 08, 2004
So, last night I was inspired by Snoddra to give McDonalds a try after years of not going. She assured me that the "Chicken McNuggets are all new and so good!" Being one that doesn't like processed meat products (SPAM, bologna, etc.), I was reluctant. I queried, "Are they still processed meat?" "Oh, no. They are great." "Are you sure, they are cuts of meat and not ground up and pressed together?" "I am telling you they are cuts of meat and they are so good."
So, I ordered them. I took one bite and viola, processed meat! YUCK! Gag! GROOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSS!
Yes, they are new--now with all white meat! Yet still the old processed grossness that I remembered from times past. Thus, McDonalds is back on the NO GO list!
Great Voice Mail
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
I had a voice-mail today from a friend that stated:
"You can't be working--call me!"
This friend must not know me at all!
Where's Werewolf?
I will leave this up to your imagination. I will, however, provide assistance.
Since my last post on July 3rd, I have been:
A. Shopping and sleeping only! Because the money never seems to run out.
B. Putting the finishing touches on the choreography for the American Idol tour which opens in days!
C. Visiting Sandy Duncan in the Valley.
D. All of the above.
Bored . . .
Saturday, July 03, 2004
I hate being bored on a Saturday night. Normally, there is plenty to do, but tonight I am trapped in a "box"! So, that pretty much spoils the evening!
I am looking forward to the Cardinals game tomorrow and the Wallflowers and Fair St. Louis in general. More on that to come.
Friday, July 02, 2004

Spider Man, Spider Man 2

Yes, I finally saw it a day after it opened. It was a great flick--lots of good plot set-ups for the next film. The special effects were much slicker and it was an overall blockbuster. I suggest you see it on the big screen.
Swirlie Sue . . .
Thursday, July 01, 2004
You are not going to believe this:
I passed by a woman that works near my area and she had changed her hair. I was a little puzzled with the new look. Short hair spun around her noggin' with a strong gel paste holding it in place. Then, it dawned on me--swirlie!
Why is it?
Have you ever experience being at work and when everyone else has an emergency or a "concern" they expect it to become yours. I am nice, but do I really have to take on all that all the time?
Damn, being taken advantage of!