Thursday, June 14, 2007

This is my suggested title for the new Britney Spears CD. Evidently asking fans to title her upcoming album. Hopefully they are too busy working magic in the editing room to make this a great album to worry about a title. Time will tell!
Best Thing for Season 3 So You Think You Can Dance
Wade Robson...

Can you say NEW, EXCITING, ENGAGING choreography???????
So You Think...

Here is my So You Think You Can Dance recap:
Jamie and Hok They were good--enjoyable--I liked Jamie keeping up with Hok.
Danny and Anya Yeah they were good lots of movement--not as impressed with Danny as the judges seem to be thus far. Love Anya--she is a fireball.
Lacey and Kameron Loved it! Wow was that some amazingly hard choreography that they executed so beautifully. I am not a big Lacey fan, but she blew me away. However, they have to stop talking about Benji and showing him hopping for her to stand a chance in the competition.
Sabra and Dominic Sabra--is she on Mortal Combat? Yes, I really loved the energy and the partnering. Dom kinda got lost to me as Sabra stole the show--I did like the lifts and turns.
Ashlee and Ricky Most unlikely pair--I feel they are at a strong disadvantage as she it 10' tall and he is only 5'6"--YIKES! They didn't sizzle like the rest of the performers and I fear it will be one or both of them going home. Ricky is unusual and that doesn't get you far with the general public.
Jesus and Sara Wow! Now that is a routine worth a second look, I watched it 3 times!!! I loved the dancing, the choreography, the partnering, the individual elements, the characters, the fun, the music--Hazzaaah, wonderful. My favorite of the night.
Pasha and Jessi Ok, so I thought Pasha would be capable, but who knew that Jessi would also pull this waltz off--amazing and such good partnering. It looked like they had been dancing together for a while--not just a week. Watch out for these two. Pasha may have some trouble with Hip Hop.
Faina and Cedric On of the oddest pairings next to Ashlee and Ricky, I don't think Cedric will be around long. I was a little under whelmed by the routine and the dancers--Fiana was too right on the moves with no edge and her partner was just the opposite. It didn't work for me.
Lauren and Neil Wow, technically amazing the footwork, the timing, the energy--judges have it, lacked passion. However, I don't see them going home with that amazing opener.
Shauna and Jimmy Broadway, what could be more fun. They had a blast and it showed. I do agree about poor Shauna's costume--really what where they thinking. Shauna will grow during the competition if allowed to stay around for a length of time.
Since you been gone
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Been too long old blog.
Oh Smack!
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Someone stole my background stripes. My blog is naked!
Need I say more?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Shut it Lauren!
"She quoted my blog!"
Ode to 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
As it were the 3rd day of this year in 2006, I am blogging about absolutely nothing. 2006 will have to work it's magic on it's own.
If you wanna be my lover . . .
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Finally, in news that will have "tell me what you want, what you really really want" running through your head for the rest of the day, the Spice Girls may be looking to get back together. The London Sun claims the onetime purveyors of bubblegum pop could pocket close to $20 million apiece if plans fall into place for a reunion tour. Mel B, AKA Scary Spice, tells Britain's GMTV that she hopes to hook up with Sporty, Posh, Ginger and Baby next year, "if we can get everything sorted and together."
Scary--$20 Million each???????????????
Weekend Blues
Friday, April 08, 2005
This weekend, I get to work all day both days and then start my week all refreshed on Monday! B@llSH!+