Laughing at Life
Movies, Music, and the Mad Life

Oops.. no tree? No problem

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I found this on a website and it is quite funny!!!

*Stick a broomstick in a bucket of sand and drape a green.. towel, bedspread or what-have-you over it. Pin decorations on.
*Get your hands on a sheet of heavy paper or pasteboard and make a cone shape from it. Color, paint or wish it green, (or pink if you'd rather) then cover it with small decorations and a star.
*Use a houseplant, preferably one in a bushy or upright shape. Decorate with small items.
*Make a tree from cardboard, large or small, depending on what you have. Draw the shape of a tree (doesn't have to be perfect) and cut it out, then use that as a pattern for three to five more. Cut deep slits in the top of each to set them together. Trim to shape when you're finished.
*The idea is to find something, (and it could be almost anything) green or otherwise that will lend itself to the right shape. It can be as funky or as dramatic as you like.
*Make a star for the top from cardboard, and cover it with aluminum foil or melted wax or bits of broken tinsel, or all three. Glue a piece across the back so you can set it on the tree.
*Remember the old 'paper lace doilies' we used to make by the dozens? Make a fancy version by using salvaged or saved foil or other material like cellophane. Cut it into small squares, then fold over first one way then the other. Cut swirls, squares, triangles (upside down ones, too) and any other shape you like from all four sides, being careful not to cut too deeply. When you've got it all cut out, unfold carefully. Tie a thread at the upper center for hanging.
*Cut balls, bells, stars, gingerbread men or whatever you can think of, from the newspaper, magazines or pasteboard (like cereal boxes) and hang with thread, yarn, paper clips, or hooks cut from the pasteboard. Or just set them on the branches if you have a 'real' tree.
*Round up everything red, green, silver, and gold that you own and display it somehow in one room or area, and it will take on a Christmas look. (My personal favorite!)

12/16/2004 08:25:00 AM :: ::
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