My new dog!
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

He seems very happy!
Back on . . .
ARGH! The $3.00 of gas didn't last long--that darn gaslight is on again. $3.00 feels like a quarter in today's economy.
So, today's comment quesiton is:
What can you do with $3.00?
Driving on Empty. . .
Monday, June 28, 2004
Ok, so Saturday I had this wedding to go to and just after I got on the Highway, I notice my gas light is on. Bright orange! I don't want to be late so I continue on--because as a friend once said "I think you can drive with that light on for a little while before you are stranded." So, after the wedding--did I go get gas? No, I went staight to a social gathering prior to the reception. Then, just before the reception did I get gas? No, I drove all over with that light on. So then to a party that evening. On Sunday no gas getting either!! I pushed it until Monday morning when I thought--gee, I am pushing my luck. So, I put $3.00 in the tank--I know 1 gallon. Damn Gas Prices!
Tip of the Day
Don't eat rasberries that you purchase at side of the road stands! Could be parasites, dirt, and who knows what in them.

Cellophane . . .
Is this bad for the environment?
I want to buy it in bulk to use for a new business. If anyone has any leads or information, please contact me.
Ancient Chinese Secret . . .
I wanted to put some words of wisdom here that would really spark some conversation and be thought provoking. However, as I look down the path of history and towards the future--all I can see is everyone spewing words and doing nothing. I have heard so much about all these great things and then nothing ever happens or no one steps forward to do anything.
So for this post, I am going to run to Dunkin Doughnuts instead and tell you to *&%#*& %()*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps. I don't really like cake or doughnuts all that well, thought I will eat them when Snoddra is present. : )
All things considered...
Sunday, June 27, 2004
I am still alive and that is what truly matters.
I think I will have gained 10 lbs by the time I go back to work on Monday. Food, food, and food! What a crazy bizarre world we live in--My friend Snoddra would agree I think. So busy and food, food everywhere.
What we have learned:
1. Everyone is someone besides their job title.
2. Everyone is sometimes a bit weird.
3. Everyone is ___________________________________. You fill in the blank!
A thank you to my fans
Thursday, June 24, 2004
I wanted to thank all of you for your kind words and especially a couple of you for the wonderful gifts you sent.
25 cent Lunch
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Ok, my friend Snoddra and I are going to start putting quarters in a can daily. This way we can do
mad money lunches (and I can fund my college education--but don't tell Snoddra!)
Some folks must think us crazy--Turnip!

Long Days Journey . . .
Some days seem to wind on like time itself. The wrist watch of the world. And you on my mind. As I raise the glass to my mouth.
Oh Behave!
Freebies, Freebies, everyone loves Freebies! It is amazing how people love fairs where little trinkets are given out for the taking. I admit, even I have had my eye on a dazzling mouse pad or a pen with a squiggly handle. The madness!
I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Hey, I know all of you missed my blogging madness. I am back in full swing and ready to blog, blog, blog. My fear is now that someone will delete my blogs and close shop without me knowing or having a chance to save my blog history. Oh the horror!
I think you are all so fun and it is great to be back! Cha Cha!
Guest Speaker
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
I am contacting Ru Paul's agent to get Ru Paul to speak at our office's next meeting. For some it will make complete sense, other's need a little conviencing. The focus of course will be:
Still Recovering. . .
Monday, June 07, 2004
What a weekend! Still trying to recover from the worlds longest Friday. Going to bed late and getting up early is not my idea of a good mix--but that was the tone of the whole weekend.
Brief moments:
Harry Potter
Ummmmm, I know I will get flack from Potter fans, but this film left me wanting more--a lot more! It was pretty slow and sometimes weak in its methods. I feel the change in directing was certainly recognizable. I also have to add (+) for the time travel sequence--the best part of the film and (-) for that absolutely ridiculous werewolf--how is it that Buckbeak the hippogriff looked realistic and then the werewolf looked like a saturday morning cartoon character???????? Why????????
CWE Art Fair & Taste
This event had all the makings of good theatre--comedy, tragedy, farce--every genre imaginable. It was great! The food was fabulous. The art was wonderful, weird, and/or what-the-hellish. The real fun was in the people--both artists and the public--some of the greatest people watching around. And scariest of all--seeing a child's legs ran over by a golf cart--scary, but I think she was ok.
Friends in from out of town
Friday, June 04, 2004
Today is my day off, and I am work from 7 a.m. to 5ish p.m.--NEED I SAY MORE???????????
Electrocution for the Masses
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Don't be frightened! It isn't as it would seem. I am referring to a new device that will give us a chance to play executioner. Yeah, kinda still scary, but there is more. The newest zapper for insects is a hand held model that looks like a kids tennis racket, yet packs a sparking wallop to would-be bugs! One response was, "I zapped a spider into 7 pieces!" Another, "Don't touch it--it will zap you good!" Hhhmmmm, the verdict is still out on this one.
Now Read This!
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
What's scary to you?
Please share your scariest moments or stories. The Asian Werewolf would like to hear from you. Post a comment and tell AW a scary story, moment, or time that made you scream.
The Asian Werewolf had a chance to howl yesterday. AW was watching a seemingly boring car commercial online that was shared by princess who wears her crown proudly. You may know someone like that! The car drove on and on until a scary monster popped up on the screen. AW was amused by the event and quickly thought of the numbers he could scare with such a trick. AAAAAWWWWWHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!
Have you ever experienced this?
You are so busy working on various projects and keep getting more and yet everyone expects that they are the only one you have to schedule time, meetings, and sessions with. Sometimes I just want to drive to Vegas and ditch my car and walk in the desert with Juliette Lewis until we get bit by rattlesnakes.
Welcome to Asian Werewolf
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
This is perhaps a strange name for a blog, but considering that I am new to blogging--as well as the fact that I am not Asian, nor a werewolf for that matter. Feel free to look around, you never know what might be lurking here.